c.odonnell2 [at] ulster.ac.uk
google scholar
I work on synaptic plasticity, memory, neural circuits in autism, and statistical methods for neural data analysis.
2021: Senior Lecturer in Dept of Computer Science, University of Bristol.
2015-2020: Lecturer in Dept of Computer Science, University of Bristol.
2012-2015: Computational neuroscience postdoc with Terry Sejnowski at the Computational Neurobiology Laboratory in the Salk Institute, La Jolla, California.
2011: Neuroscience postdoc with Matt Nolan, University of Edinburgh.
2007-2011: PhD in Computational Neuroscience with Mark van Rossum and Matt Nolan in the Neuroinformatics Doctoral Training Centre, University of Edinburgh.
2006-2007: MSc in Neuroinformatics, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.
2001-2005: BSc in Applied Physics, Dublin City University.