Journal and conference papers
Raak SB, Hanley JG, O’Donnell C.
Competition effects regulating the composition of the microRNA pool
Journal of the Royal Society Interface (in press)
Dimmock S, Exley BMS, Moore G, Menage L, Delogu A, Schultz SR, Warburton EC, Houghton C, O’Donnell C.
Hierarchical Bayesian modeling of multi-region brain cell count data
eLife 13:RP102391 (2024)
Freud K, Lepora N, Jones MW, O’Donnell C.
BrainSLAM: SLAM on Neural Population Activity Data
Proc. of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2024)
Malkin J, O’Donnell C, Houghton CJ, Aitchison L.
Signatures of Bayesian inference emerge from energy efficient synapses.
eLife (2023)
Dimmock SJ, O’Donnell C, Houghton CJ.
Bayesian analysis of phase data in EEG and MEG.
eLife 12:e84602 (2023)
O’Donnell C.
Nonlinear slow-timescale mechanisms in synaptic plasticity.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 82:102778 (2023)
Isotalus H, Carr WJ, Averill GG, Radtke O, Selwood J, Williams R, Ford E, McCullagh L, McErlane J, O’Donnell C, Durant C, Bartsch U, Jones MW, Muñoz-Neira C, Wearn AR, Grogan JP, Coulthard EJ.
L-DOPA increases slow-wave sleep duration and selectively modulates memory persistence in older adults
Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience 17 (2023)
Rodrigues YR, Tigaret CM, Marie H*, O’Donnell C*, Veltz R*.
A stochastic model of hippocampal synaptic plasticity with geometrical readout of enzyme dynamics.
eLife 12: e80152 (2023)
*co-senior authors
Delaney TJ, O’Donnell C.
Fast-local and slow-global neural ensembles in the mouse brain.
Network Neuroscience 7(2):731–742 (2023)
Griesius, S, O’Donnell, C, Waldron, S, Thomas, KL, Dwyer, DM, Wilkinson, LS, Hall, J, Robinson, ES and Mellor, JR.
Reduced expression of the psychiatric risk gene DLG2 (PSD93) impairs hippocampal synaptic integration and plasticity.
Neuropsychopharmacology 47:1367–1378 (2022)
Humphries R, Mellor JR, O’Donnell C.
Acetylcholine boosts dendritic NMDA spikes in a CA3 pyramidal neuron model.
Neuroscience 489:69–83 (2021)
Mizusaki B, O’Donnell C.
Neural circuit function redundancy in brain disorders.
Curr Opin Neurobiol 70:74–80 (2021)
O’Donnell C.
Simplicity, flexibility, and interpretability in a model of dendritic protein distributions (preview)
Neuron 103 (6), 950-952 (2019)
Chelombiev I, Houghton CJ, O’Donnell C.
Adaptive estimators show information compression in deep neural networks.
International Conference on Learning Representations (2019)
Puddifoot K, O’Donnell C.
Human memory and the limits of technology in education.
Educational Theory 68(6), 643-655 (2018)
O’Donnell C, Gonçalves JT, Portera-Cailliau C, Sejnowski TJ.
Beyond excitation/inhibition imbalance in multidimensional models of neural circuit changes in brain disorders.
eLife e26724 (2017).
Walker A, Neves G, Grillo F, Jackson R, Lowe A, O’Donnell C, Vizcay G, Fleck R, and Burrone J.
A distance-dependent gradient in NMDAR-driven spine calcium signals along tapering dendrites.
PNAS 114 (10), 1986–1995 (2017)
O’Donnell C, Gonçalves JT, Whiteley N, Portera-Cailliau C, Sejnowski TJ.
The population tracking model: a simple, scalable statistical model for neural population data.
Neural Computation 29 (1), 50-93 (2017).
Williams AH, O’Donnell C, Sejnowski TJ, O’Leary TS.
Dendritic trafficking faces physiologically critical speed-precision tradeoffs.
eLife e20556 (2016)
O’Donnell C, Sejnowski TJ.
Street view of the cognitive map (preview).
Cell 164 (1), 13-15 (2016).
O’Donnell C and van Rossum MCW.
Spontaneous action potentials and neural coding in unmyelinated axons.
Neural Computation 27(4), 801-18 (2015)
O’Donnell C and van Rossum MCW.
Systematic analysis of the contributions of stochastic voltage gated channels to neuronal noise.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 8, 105 (2014)
O’Donnell C and Sejnowski TJ.
Selective memory generalization by spatial patterning of protein synthesis.
Neuron 82, 398-412 (2014).
O’Donnell C and Nolan MF.
Stochastic ion channel gating and probabilistic computation in dendritic neurons (book chapter).
The Computing Dendrite: from structure to function (2014). Ed. M Remme, B Torben-Nielsen, and H Cuntz. Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience
O’Donnell C, Nolan MF, van Rossum MCW.
Dendritic spine dynamics regulate the long-term stability of synaptic plasticity.
J Neurosci 31(45), 16142-16156 (2011).
O’Donnell C and Nolan MF.
Tuning of synaptic responses: an organizing principle for optimization of neural circuits.
Trends Neurosci 34(2), 51-60 (2011).
Cannon RC*, O’Donnell C*, Nolan MF.
Stochastic ion channel gating in dendritic neurons: morphology dependence and probabilistic synaptic activation of dendritic spikes.
PLoS Comput Biol 12;6(8) e1000886 (2010).
*co-first authors
Garden DLF, Dodson PD, O’Donnell C, White MD, Nolan MF.
Tuning of synaptic integration by entorhinal cortical neurons to the organization of grid fields.
Neuron 60(5), 875-889 (2008).
Zhang Y, Learmonth T, Wang S, Matsuura AY, Downes J, Plucinski L, Bernardis S, O’Donnell C, Smith KE.
Electronic structure of the organic semiconductor vanadyl phthalocyanine (VO-Pc).
Journal of Materials Chemistry 17 (13), 1276-1283 (2007).
Zhang Y, Downes JE, Wang S, Learmonth T, Plucinski L, Matsuura AY, McGuinness C, Glans P-A, Bernardis S, O’Donnell C, Smith KE.
Electronic structure in thin film organic semiconductors studied using soft X-ray emission and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering.
Thin solid films 515 (2), 394-400 (2006).
Plucinski L, Colakerol L, Bernardis S, Zhang Y, Wang S, O’Donnell C, Smith KE, I Friel, Moustakas TD.
Photoemission study of sulfur and oxygen adsorption on GaN (0001).
Surface science 600 (1), 116-123 (2006).
Zhang Y, Wang S, Learmonth T, Plucinski L, Matsuura AY, Bernardis S, O’Donnell C, Downes JE, Smith KE.
Electronic excitations in vanadium oxide phthalocyanine studied via resonant soft X-ray emission and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering.
Chemical physics letters 413 (1-3), 95-99 (2005).